Namaste! – India’s Consul General Dr. Vidhu P. Nair visits NEANDER Shark
On July 15th NEANDER Shark was delighted with international visit: India’s Consul General Dr. Vidhu P. Nair made the way from Hamburg to Kiel to gain insights into our company.
Managing Director Lutz W. Lester gave the interested guest an overview about NEANDER Shark’s history and about the development level of our turbo diesel outboard engine. After a successful deployment during the boat show Seawork in Southampton (UK) currently the validation phase is to be started. By endurance tests in test basins and on the water the validation engines’ operational stability will be tested extensively – launch of sale is scheduled by mid-2016.
For the last few weeks our parent company NEANDER Motors AG and the Indian company Roots – currently the eleventh largest manufacturer of horns and other products like castings and industrial cleaning machines – have been in close contact. At the Hannover Trade Fair 2015 both parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding in which the Roots Group states its intention to purchase the NEANDER twin crank technology for various applications exclusively for the Indian market.
As a country with a strongly extending economic strength, a growing middle class and the character of a lead market India is an interesting partner for German companies.
Dr. Nair was delighted with our hospitality and announced to help establishing NEANDER’s brand in India. A good opportunity for this is provided by the planned delegation trip of Schleswig-Holstein’s Prime Minister Torsten Albig. Dr. Nair would very much welcome Mr. Lester to join it as a representative of our federal state.
He evaluates the advanced econmic ties between NEANDER and Roots as an example that comprises the allegiance between India and Germany as reliable partners and the significant potential for cooperations in the fields of economy, science, research, development and technology.
©Photos: Oliver Franke