Yanmar Distributors meeting in Almere (NL)
The 8th and 9th of November were all about sales and distribution. On these two days of our distribution and service partner Yanmar Marine International held the “Dtorque 111 kick-off meeting” in Almere.
In the afternoon of 08 November the worldwide first turbodiesel outboard motor under 100 hp – our NEANDER Dtorque 111 – was officially presented to the first 6 distributors:
- E.P. Barrus Ltd. (United Kingdom)
- YANMAR Iberica (Spain and Portugal)
- Friedrich Marx GmbH & Co. KG (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, and Hungary)
- Navella (Croatia)
- YANMAR EUROPE B.V. (Netherlands)
During the meeting all technical details and also the exceptional advantages of the Dtorque were clearly highlighted. Afterwards the participants were invited to test drives, giving everybody the opportunity to experience the Dtorque live on the water. They were impressed and most enthusiastic about the thrust produced with such low vibrations.
The next day Yanmar enlarged on the marketing strategy and explained the already available accessories for the tiller and the remote control as well as the delivery of the first pre-series motors: All motors will be cared for by a local Yanmar partner to ensure a direct feedback.
All participants are looking forward to the challenge and take it on with great confidence.
If you would like to take part in the pre-series testing please feel free to register directly with your local Yanmar partner!